The Firm’s Medical Plan, administered by Cigna and UnitedHealthcare, includes expanded travel and lodging benefits to ensure employees and their dependents have consistent access to quality care across the country. The benefit covers medical services for which in-network care or covered services are not available within 100 miles of your primary residence. Mileage requirements vary for certain conditions.

Who may use: Employees and dependents enrolled in the Firm’s Medical Plan administered by Cigna or UnitedHealthcare.


  • Gene therapy: $10,000 lifetime limit; separate from other travel reimbursements
  • Transplants: $25,000 lifetime limit for bone marrow transplants, $10,000 lifetime limit for all other transplants; separate from other travel reimbursements
  • All other medical and behavioral health services (effective July 1, 2022): $10,000 lifetime limit; separate from other travel reimbursements


  • Transplants: $25,000 lifetime limit for bone marrow transplants, $10,000 lifetime limit for all other transplants; combined with cancer and bariatric travel reimbursements
  • All other medical and behavioral health services (effective July 1, 2022): $10,000 lifetime limit; separate from other travel reimbursements

To learn more about the expanded travel and lodging benefit:


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