Use In-Network Providers

  • In-network fees typically offer considerable savings over comparable out-of-network services.
  • Your in-network annual deductible is half the amount of your out-of-network annual deductible.
  • Once you meet your annual deductible, the Firm pays a greater percentage of the coinsurance (80% for in-network vs 60% of Reasonable and Customary rates for out-of-network), so you’ll pay less out of your own pocket for every in-network doctor visit or medical service.
  • In-network providers are responsible for completing any required preauthorization and most other paperwork, saving you time and money. (If you use an out-of-network provider, it is your responsibility to obtain preauthorization from Cigna or UnitedHealthcare before receiving care. Failure to do so could mean that you will not be reimbursed by the Medical Plan.)
  • You will also save money when using in-network providers for your dental and vision care services, and generally receive a higher level of benefits for covered services under the Dental and Vision Plans.
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