Equity & Options Transactions
Morgan Stanley’s diverse array of equities and options strategies can help you build wealth. Work with your Financial Advisor or Private Wealth Advisor to understand the potential risk and reward of individual equities and options before making an investment decision.
For all employees with branch accounts at Morgan Stanley (i.e., accounts that reside within a local branch, and not within the Client Advisory Center (“CAC”)), Equity trades in Employee and Employee-Related accounts will receive the lower of the following commission rates or a 50% discount off of regular retail commission rates:
- $0.15/share on orders with 0 to 500 shares;
- $0.10/share on orders with 501 to 1,000 shares;
- $0.06/share on orders with 1,001 to 10,000 shares; or
- $0.03/share on orders with 10,001 or more shares
The minimum commission is $50 subject to maximum principal constraints.
For all employees with branch accounts at Morgan Stanley (i.e., accounts that reside within a local branch, and not within the Client Advisory Center (“CAC”)), the following commission pricing rules will apply to all Options trades in Employee and Employee Related accounts:
- Lower of 50% discount or $2.00 commission per contract
The minimum commission is $30 subject to maximum principal constraints.
Employee and Employee-Related accounts are not eligible for exceptions from the employee commission pricing rules on Equities and Options trades.
Note: Equity and option transactions performed through the Client Advisory Center (“CAC”) will follow reduced commission pricing rules. Contact the Client Advisory Center (“CAC”) for more information.
Options are not suitable for all investors.
CRC 1512214 (06/2016)