Cigna Global Health Plan Prescription Drug Coverage

2024 Plan Information

Cigna Global Health Medical Plan

If you are a U.S. benefits-eligible expatriate or U.S. benefits-eligible international employee, you may elect medical coverage under the Cigna Global Health Medical Plan, which includes Cigna prescription drug benefits.

Prescription drugs purchased outside the U.S.Prescription drugs purchased inside the U.S.:
Participating Retail Pharmacy or Mail Order
Prescription drugs purchased inside the U.S.:
Non-Participating Pharmacy

Covered at 20%

20% coinsurance per prescription order or refill

40% coinsurance per prescription order or refill

Brand Name Drugs

Covered at 20%

20% coinsurance per prescription order or refill

40% coinsurance per prescription order or refill

Cigna Global Health Plan Prescription Drug Special Circumstances

In some circumstances, if your physician agrees to write a prescription for a 365-day supply of medication, members can present their ID card and obtain a year’s worth of prescription medication prior to assignment or departure from the U.S.

Cigna Global Health Plan Prescription Drug Deductible and Out-of-Pocket Maximum

On the Cigna Global Health Plan, your prescription drug copays do not count toward your deductible. However, your prescription drug copays do count toward the individual and family out-of-pocket maximums for the whole medical plan.