Cigna Global Health Medical Plan

2024 Plan Information

Expatriate and International Coverage

If you are a US benefits-eligible expatriate or US benefits-eligible international employee, you may elect medical, dental and vision coverage. Cigna Global Health Benefits is the provider of medical and dental benefits and Vision Service Plan is the provider of vision benefits.

Cigna Global Health Medical Plan

If you are a U.S. benefits-eligible expatriate or U.S. benefits-eligible international employee, you may elect medical coverage under the Cigna Global Health Medical Plan, which includes Cigna prescription drug benefits.

Cigna Global Health Medical Plan
Individual Annual Deductible



Family Annual Deductible



Onsite lab (specimen collection) done in conjunction with preventive care visit

100% of R&C; deductible waived

100% of R&C; deductible waived

Office Visits (non-preventive)

80% of R&C, after annual deductible

80% of R&C, after annual deductible; 60% of R&C, after annual deductible, for U.S. out-of-network services


80% of R&C, after annual deductible

80% of R&C, after annual deductible

Fertility Coverage (includes cryopreservation, artificial insemination, IVF, GIFT and ZIFT)

80% of R&C, after annual deductible; lifetime maximums; combined $30,000 for medical and prescription drugs

80% of R&C, after annual deductible; lifetime maximums; combined $30,000 for medical and prescription drugs

Individual Out-of-Pocket Maximum



Family Out-of-Pocket Maximum



Out-of-Network Charges for Medical Services

Out-of-network reimbursements and maximums are based on reasonable and customary (R&C) charges as determined by the health plan administrator. You are responsible for any charges above the reasonable and customary amount charged by your provider.

Preventive vs. Non-Preventive Care

Preventive care covered by the Cigna Global Health Medical Plan includes routine exams, screenings and immunizations. Non-preventive care includes services such as office visits.

Cigna Global Health Benefits ID Cards

You will receive one ID card for medical and dental coverage. Should you require additional ID cards or misplace yours, contact Cigna Global Health Benefits.

Prescription drugs purchased outside the U.S.Prescription drugs purchased inside the U.S.:
Participating Retail Pharmacy or Mail Order
Prescription drugs purchased inside the U.S.:
Non-Participating Pharmacy

Covered at 20%

20% coinsurance per prescription order or refill

40% coinsurance per prescription order or refill

Brand Name Drugs

Covered at 20%

20% coinsurance per prescription order or refill

40% coinsurance per prescription order or refill

Cigna Global Health Plan Prescription Drug Special Circumstances

In some circumstances, if your physician agrees to write a prescription for a 365-day supply of medication, members can present their ID card and obtain a year’s worth of prescription medication prior to assignment or departure from the U.S.

Cigna Global Health Plan Prescription Drug Deductible and Out-of-Pocket Maximum

On the Cigna Global Health Plan, your prescription drug copays do not count toward your deductible. However, your prescription drug copays do count toward the individual and family out-of-pocket maximums for the whole medical plan.

Flexible Spending Account

Learn how a Health Care FSA or Limited Purpose FSA can save you 20% to 40% (depending on your tax bracket) on your health care costs, including dental expenses.

Medical Contributions

Estimate Your Medical, Dental and Vision Paycheck Contributions – and See What You’ll Pay for All Other Benefits

The cost of quality health care is a shared expense between Morgan Stanley and employees. The Firm pays a percentage of the cost of your medical coverage, based on 10 pay bands – and you pay the remainder through contributions that are deducted from your pay, twice each month, on a before-tax basis. (Employees who make less receive higher Firm contributions.)

Note: If you or your spouse/domestic partner uses tobacco products and certifies as such during Annual Enrollment, your annual contributions for medical coverage increase by $500 per tobacco user. Providing false or misleading information may lead to legal or disciplinary action by Morgan Stanley, including employment termination and cancellation of executive compensation.

To estimate your paycheck medical, dental and vision contributions, select the information that applies to your situation in the wizard below. The wizard shows estimates only. When you enroll for your benefits, you’ll see exact paycheck contribution amounts.

Note: Although your paycheck contributions will be the same wherever you live in the US, Cigna or UnitedHealthcare may have negotiated more favorable rates in your state for when you seek medical care.

To see the employee paycheck contributions for all Morgan Stanley benefits plans, see the PDFs below.

My location is:

Choose one

My Benefits Eligible Earnings are:

Generally, your W-2 earnings. For details, see below, or to see your actual BEE, log on to the Benefit Center website during enrollment.

Choose one

I want to see my per-paycheck costs for:

Choose one

    Contributions for these three coverages are taken before-tax.

I want to see coverage for:

Select all that apply


Note: If you are covering your domestic partner or the children of your domestic partner, the IRS determines the tax status of your dependents and may impose a tax on the value of coverage. For additional information, see the Health Benefits and Insurance Summary Plan Description.