Accident Insurance from Aflac

2024 Plan Information

What Employees Are Saying

“My daughter broke her foot at college. My medical insurance covered most of the cost. But thankfully, with Aflac’s supplemental Accident Insurance, I had money to cover the out-of-pocket expenses, including a flight to be by her side.”

Accident Insurance from Aflac

Aflac’s Accident Insurance Plan provides peace of mind and real cash benefits to help cover the costs associated with unexpected accidents. Most people don’t budget for accidents and when an accident occurs, the last thing on your mind is the out-of-pocket expenses accumulating while you’re at the emergency room, which may include:

  • Ambulance ride
  • Stitches
  • Crutches
  • Bandages
  • Transportation
  • Lodging
  • Child care

While you hope an accident won’t happen, the associated costs can add up quickly if you have to take a trip to your local emergency room. As a Morgan Stanley employee, you have the option to purchase Aflac’s Accident Insurance for benefits you can use at your discretion with no restrictions on how you use the money. The Accident Insurance Plan will pay benefits regardless of any other insurance coverage you may have. Learn more.


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Aflac Customer Service:

When Can You Purchase Coverage?

  • During Annual Enrollment, typically held each fall
  • Within 31 days following a Qualified Life Event (marriage, birth, adoption, etc.)*
  • Within 31 days of joining the Firm or becoming benefits eligible

*You may enroll in Aflac coverage as a result of the QLE. However, the coverage will only be effective from the effective date established by Aflac and will not be effective retroactively back to the date of the QLE.

Plan Features

  • Coverage is guaranteed-issue, so you may qualify for coverage without having to answer health questions.
  • Benefits are paid directly to you unless you choose otherwise – the money is yours to use as you please.
  • Coverage is available for you, your spouse and dependent children.
  • Coverage is generally portable, so you can take it with you if you change jobs or retire.
  • Most claims are paid in about four business days.

How This Insurance Works with Medical Coverage

Both Supplemental Accident and Critical Illness Insurance policies from Aflac complement your other coverage. For example, if you are considering Option C under the Medical Plan, you could purchase one or both of these supplemental insurance options as another way to manage Option C’s higher deductible if you or a family member faces a critical illness or accident. You could put the money you save on contributions in Option C toward the premiums for these supplemental insurance policies and/or contribute to a Health Savings Account.

Unlike traditional medical coverage, the payments you receive from these supplemental insurances aren’t tied to your medical bills and there are no rules on how you can use the money. Depending on your election, you’ll select a coverage level by lump-sum amount (Critical Illness) or treatment-based benefits (Accident) that pay over time. All claims are submitted to Aflac directly and decided by Aflac in its sole discretion.

Semimonthly Rates

High Option: 24-Hour Plan (24 payments per year)

  • Employee: $9.83
  • Employee & Spouse: $14.73
  • Employee & Dependent Children: $17.22
  • Family: $22.12

Coverage is underwritten by Continental American Insurance Company (Aflac).