Can’t use next week’s football tickets and need to unload them? Hawking your daughter’s Girl Scout cookies? Looking to carpool?
The Firm’s classified ads are a free service for employees who wish to sell or purchase items, or when you’re looking for or have a service to offer.
After submitting your ad, it will be reviewed, posted within 48 hours and run for two weeks. Ads are organized by region (Americas, Europe, Asia and Japan) and categories:
- Cars for Sale
- Car Pooling
- Houses, Co-ops or Condos for Sale
- Rentals or Sublets Available or Wanted
- Leisure Activities
- Services Available or Wanted
- Tickets for Sale
- Vacation Opportunities
- Other Items for Sale
- Wanted to Buy
- Miscellaneous Listings
Access the Firm’s Classifieds
- From the office visit MSToday
- From the top navigation, click My Region
- Under Perks, click Classifieds